A Different Path to Fulfillment
Counseling and Conversations
Nearly 20% of Baby Boomers don’t have children. Are you one of them? Some are part of a couple. Many live alone. Some are child-free because of choice. Others are child-free because of chance. Children just didn’t happen for them. While others are looking at grand parenting in their older years, you may be considering other options.
Boomers Without Babies have different issues, opportunities and challenges than their peers with children. For instance, do you ever think about the following?
- What will aging be like without the emotional and financial support of my own children? Where will I live when I can no longer stay in my own home?
- Will I have a community of friends?
- How has my life been different than those with children?
- Why am I feeling so inspired to do something really big at this time in my life? What is it I want to do? I feel like giving birth is a long-lost dream.
- Why do I feel like I am stepping on the gas rather than slowing down. It’s exciting. If not now, when?
Do I have all my life planning needs in order ? - What is my legacy ? Who are my heirs?
As with other stages of life, it may be time to visualize and strategize what’s next. It’s time to start talking with others who are also part of that 20% who didn’t have children and find out what they are thinking and doing .
Aging Without Children COUNSELING is a great place to start. Meet one on one with a counselor about your particular issues, concerns and apprehensions and gather ideas and resources to match your needs. Or join an Aging Without Children CONVERSATION where you will meet other child-free adults in bi-weekly facilitated group conversations discussing and brainstorming their older age options, joys and opportunities.
Leaving full time work can be breaking free to pursue that inner calling, that personal destination you have always yearned for. Breaking free is about reinventing and reclaiming. It is about seeking the other avenues and opportunities that stretch before you. It is about the continuation of a journey that may have begun earlier in life.
If you are in the process of exploring new possibilities and rethinking your life and work, you can benefit from this workshop. Participate in an interactive and informative session with others who are also considering what’s next in their lives. Join us for one or several sessions of this series exploring the many themes of breaking free and living well.
Most Boomers will not retire. Retirement will cease to be the choice for the majority of baby boomers, according to recent research, and lack of funds is not the only driving motivation for this dramatic change. What will replace retirement? The 2young2retire course, is a four-week series that will help participants answer that question by discovering what is next for them.
The first wave of baby boomers turned 60 in 2006. The largest, most demanding, and most examined generation in history is already facing up to a future that looks nothing like their parents’ second half of life. Thanks to medical advances and information about health, baby boomers can expect to live long lives. Many are looking for direction to make the extra years, beyond the midlife drive to succeed at any cost, more personally meaningful. That’s what this course is about.
The 2young2retire course uses materials from the popular website, and book, Too Young To Retire: 101 Ways to Start the Rest of Your Life by Howard and Marika Stone. Participants will work in small groups, addressing key issues such as money, wellness, careers, small business opportunities and community service. This powerful, interactive learning experience will help participants clarify intentions, set goals and take action, while supporting other group members who share similar objectives.
SEARCHING FOR A NEW SENSE OF CLARITY, PURPOSE AND PASSION IN YOUR WORK defines an encore career as one that promises meaning and springs from a desire to use a life’s worth of skills and experience in work that matters. The Encore Career Workshop is for people who want to reassess career and life goals and how they can move into a new role that will have personal meaning and make a difference in their communities or the world.
This workshop is for those that want to take stock of where they are in their work lives, and make informed choices about where they want to be. This powerful, interactive learning experience will help you clarify your intentions and gain confidence as you set goals and take action, while supporting other group members who share similar objectives.
This workshop is based on the highly acclaimed Encore Career Handbook by Marci Alboher and facilitated by Luanne Mullin with expert guest speakers for each session.
Your four session journey will ask you to:
Explore Your Motivations
Discover What You Want
Prepare for Your Transition
Look at Your Finances
Develop Networking Skills
Transitions. Change. Life seems to be one transition after another. Just being 50+ is a change and a transition. After 50, we become more aware of these changes. We become more thoughtful about what they mean and how we want to deal with them. We recognize they are necessary for growth. They are inevitable. Some are extremely painful while others are joyous. They are part of life. Change happens. Sometimes we initiate the change: other times we are on the receiving end of change. Accepting change and exploring transitions is what this workshop is all about.
If you are in the process of exploring new possibilities, rethinking your life and work, challenging your own ways of thinking and being, or expanding your positive support network, you can benefit from this presentation.
Learn the circle of transitions, where you are now and where you want to be. Find out what is stopping you from moving forward. Embrace the challenge of risk taking and gain momentum to take the steps into what’s next for you.
Nearly 20% of Baby Boomers don’t have children. Are you one of them ? Some are part of a couple. Many live alone. Some are childfree because of choice. Others are child-free because of chance. It just didn’t happen. While others are looking at grand parenting in their older years, you may be considering other options.